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library of books.
Jason Leake - LGV Driver.
Our people

Life on the road: the realities of tramping

Ever considered what it is like when you spend half your week sleeping in a truck? A “tramper” is someone who starts their shift at a depot and then transports goods across the country for the next few days, sleeping as they go. At Gregory Group, around 35% of our drivers are trampers. We spoke to one of them to find out more about life on the road.

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Bev Scott.
Our people

From driving coaches to driving lorries

Bev Scott is an LGV Driver who is part of a team that keeps delivering day and night. She came from a world of driving coaches so we spoke to her to find out more about her move to lorries.

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Niall Carroll.
Our people

Life as a Driver Behaviour Business Partner

Niall Carroll works in our Learning & Development team, supporting the training needs of our drivers. He also has a particular focus on our telematics system, helping drivers establish how they can drive more efficiently. It’s a unique role so we asked Niall to tell us more about it.

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Ailidh Young.
Our people

A day in the life of a Customer Services Manager in the logistics industry

When you think about the role a Customer Services Manager may fulfil you probably don’t immediately think they will be booking police escorts. But working in customer services in the logistics industry is different! Ailidh Young, one of our Customer Services Manager’s, tell us more.

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Steve Murphy long service award.
Our people

From the forces to Gregory Group

Steve Murphy joined us in 2019 as an LGV Driver but before that he was in the forces for 28 years. On his 5th work anniversary, we had a chat with him to understand more about his transition to trucking and his journey within Gregory Group.

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Paul Glasspool.
Our people

A peek into the world of a Depot Manager

Paul Glasspool is one of our Depot managers. He looks after our team at Southampton ensuring everything runs smoothly for three of our customers based on the South coast. Paul explains more about his role and how he became a Depot Manager.

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