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Health & Safety Policy Statement

We are committed to health & safety at every level of our organisation. We all take responsibility for ensuring everyone remains safe.

library of books.

Our Culture

As a business we are committed to maintaining a strong and positive culture that supports the Group Purpose and Vision, both of which are clear that we will operate legally and safely.

Our culture will be such that all employees within the Group care about each other’s health, safety and wellbeing, and are committed to delivering the five Ps.

Compliance with our Health and Safety Policy will ensure that the Group provides a safe workplace by managing issues proactively, and with due consideration to industry “best practice” appropriate to the purpose, size and context of the organisation, and to the specific nature of its risks and opportunities.

Our Commitments

  • The Group is committed to eliminating hazards and reducing risks together with ensuring – and continually improving – the health, safety and welfare of all its employees as far as is reasonably practicable.

  • The Group employs a competent, qualified Health and Safety Manager, with a team that drives the Group to meet its health and safety obligations and responsibilities. The Health and Safety team drives compliance with the Health & Safety policy through communication, education and training, regular health and safety audits, and ongoing support to the operations. The Group is committed to a 5 Year Strategic Health and Safety Plan which details the health and safety objectives and intentions of the Group, inclusive of fire protection and prevention.

  • The successful implementation of this policy requires the total commitment of employees at all levels, from the boardroom to the shop-floor, to embrace and adhere to the Group’s health and safety processes.

Legal Requirements

  • The Group fully accepts responsibility for other persons who may be affected by its activities, including visitors, contractors and the general public.

  • Each individual has a legal obligation to take reasonable care of his or her own health and safety, and the safety of other people who may be affected by his or her acts or omissions. Group employees are given information, instruction and training as is necessary to enable the safe performance of work activities.

  • It is the duty of management to ensure that all processes and systems of work are designed to take account of health, safety and environmental issues and that they are properly supervised at all times.

  • The Group will maintain adequate facilities and arrangements to enable employees and their representatives to raise issues of health and safety.

  • The Group Health and Safety Policy will be regularly monitored to ensure that all objectives are achieved. It will be reviewed at least annually and revised in the light of legislative or organisational changes.

  • The Chief Executive accepts overall responsibility for all health, safety and environmental issues.

This policy has been prepared in compliance with Section 2 (3) of the Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974.