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Making a complex operation seem simple for Allied Bakeries

Slices of bread.

About Allied Bakeries

Allied Bakeries has been at the forefront of modern bakery since 1935. Today, the well-known brands of Kingsmill, Allinson’s and Sunblest are staples on our shop shelves. With nationally recognised brands, Allied Bakeries bake for the nation 24/7 from 8 UK bakeries.

Allied Bakeries’ fast paced needs

When you are one of the top 10 grocery brands in the UK, there is a lot of demand for your product. Allied Bakeries never sleeps, with stores across the UK wanting to restock their shelves before the sun rises. What’s more, those stock quantities could be different every day as they respond to customer demand.

Allied Bakeries require a 3PL provider that can accommodate this fast, relentless pace whilst always keeping an eye on the tight margins that are required in the fiercely competitive bakeries market.

Gregory truck as sun goes down.

Effortlessly delivering everyday

For a decade Gregory Group has almost exclusively supplied distribution services to Allied Bakeries. While delivering bakery products to shops sounds simple on paper, it is a very involved process that sees us receive stock alongside the specific customer orders. Our team then pick the products for every individual store – on average, that is just under 500,000 products every week. Then the products are sent out for delivery before most of us have even woken up.

Richard Hodgson, Director of Logistics at Allied Bakeries explains these intricacies in more detail:

Bread is quite different to other industries – we have to pick individual items and carry out multi-drops within very tight timescales. It’s an intense process and one which has high customer expectations. Ultimately, we are only as good as today’s delivery, so consistency is vital.”

“Thankfully, Gregory Group is switched on to what is required. I never worry about day-to-day service. Ever. That is down to the people. They are very knowledgeable. It really helps that a number were able to transfer with the activity and bring that experience with them. This understanding of bakery and bakery distribution is invaluable.

Cost efficiency is always a consideration

Cost is of paramount importance in the extremely competitive bakeries industry. Particularly because distribution is a large part of Allied Bakeries spend. Richard tells us more:

After Health and Safety my number one objective is cost management. Margins are extremely tight so we constantly review our business to see how we can better manage our costs and remain lean. A quarter of our expenditure goes on logistics, so this is an area we always keep on eye on. Thankfully, you understand these pressures very well.

To help improve cost efficiencies, we operate a unique solution for Allied Bakeries. The warehouse that receives and picks the products is used by both Allied Bakeries and one of their competitors. We manage the two relationships and ensure both parties receive the cost and environmental benefits achieved through a shared warehouse. As Richard explains, whilst this business model is unusual, it is very beneficial

Within a year we had paid for the setup of the project. But beyond cost, it also benefits us from a sustainability point of view.

“This sort of collaboration is a rarity – typically challenged by mistrust, but we don’t have any of that because the communication and visibility is really strong.”

The right people doing the right things

At Gregory Group we firmly believe it is our people that make our business a success. Through their knowledge and the connections they make, we form partnerships with our customers that continuously prosper. This is something that Richard agrees with:

We’re on the same page and that makes you easy to do business with.

We have visibility of everything. If a problem is going to happen, which inevitably does happen when operating in such a time sensitive industry, we know about it beforehand. You also accommodate challenges very well. For example, sometimes products arrive late into your warehouse, but you cope very well with that.

I think that is because bakery is in the DNA of your people. A lot of your team have worked with us for a very long time which means you have the grounding that keeps the operation running smoothly. Anyone new that joins, learns the right way and we feel the benefit of that.

As well as engaging and developing your own people, you also work hard to keep our two teams connected through team meetings and family days. As a result, our people see your operation as a fundamental part of your network. You are very much part of our business.

That connection is helped by our similar cultures. We are both family businesses with similar ethics. You like to do business in the same way as us, so culturally we are also a good fit.

Ultimately, we have a strong partnership and I don’t imagine in my tenure why this would ever change. I think people sometimes underestimate the value of a good relationship. But having trust and not needing to worry is really powerful.

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Whether food, or other goods, we have the people and experience you need for a cost efficient and reliable logistics solution.

slices of bread.

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