We want our people to feel valued, which is why we offer competitive salaries and pension provision. We engage with them about how we operate and regularly communicate good news stories in departmental newsletters and our company wide bulletin, NewsBrief. Most importantly, we recognise the contribution our employees make to our business by celebrating Employee Awards at our annual conference.
Operational training
With over 2,000 employees operating a large and diverse fleet of vehicles and equipment, we understand the importance of providing comprehensive and professionally recognised training.
Every employee completes our company induction and training programme which includes health & safety, manual handling, safe systems of work and relevant legislation training. Our drivers receive advanced driver training, which includes safe and fuel-efficient (environmentally friendly) driving.
All our drivers hold the Driver Certificate of Professional Competence (DCPC) qualification. The company has been an accredited DCPC Training Centre since 2009, delivering bespoke courses to over 1,500 of our own and external drivers every year.
Employee development
We run our own in-house training programmes as well as collaborating with a number of external partners to deliver bespoke operational and business training. We also work in partnership with local colleges to recruit apprentices into our business. Through these schemes, we are able to offer our employees the opportunity to progress their career by obtaining relevant accredited qualifications.